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Category: Holidays

4 ways to keep your Independence Day sparkling and safe!

Sparklers and fireworks are Independence Day pastimes. Unfortunately for some, this holiday can also include an emergency room visit due to a firework injury. By following a few tips below, you can make sure your holiday is one to remember – for all the right reasons! 

Resolutions from real kids

The saying goes "new year, new me" and for many, the beginning of a new year can be the start of changes they want to include in their life. Whether 2024 is a time for re-invention, learning a new skill, striving toward a new goal or knocking a few things off of your bucket list, there is no age limit for creating a New Year's resolution. 

How to enjoy a safe and festive holiday season

As the song says, it’s the most wonderful time of the year! You’re getting ready for holiday celebrations, decking the halls of your home with festive décor and preparing for the excited chatter of children opening gifts. Below, we’ve outlined safety tips in several areas, so you can ensure your memories of this holiday season are happy ones. 

How school breaks affect kids’ mental health

There’s a lot for kids and teens to look forward to on a break from school. No homework, for one. But breaks are not without their challenges. Young people can exhibit increased mental and behavioral health symptoms when adjusting to a new day-to-day routine outside of school. Luckily, parents and caregivers can make a big difference in helping kids adjust and cope. Use a few tried-and-true tips to make upcoming breaks less stressful for your family. 

7 tips for less stress this holiday season

The holiday season is here! While it’s an exciting time of year filled with traditions, treats and fun, this time of year can also cause stress and anxiety. The shopping, cleaning and planning can feel endless, and, while we want to celebrate with all of our friends and family, sometimes schedules and budgets won’t allow it. If you are struggling with making holiday decisions and talking about them with family, we hope you find these tips helpful. 

Holiday traditions to start with your family

The holiday season is all about making memories. When you think back on the holiday magic of your childhood, you probably remember the traditions and time spent with your family over any gift or toy. If you’re looking for a new holiday ritual to start with your own family, Children’s Mercy employees have you covered! See some of the annual traditions our staff members look forward to each year.

Make holiday meals safe and fun for everyone! Tips for families with food allergies

No matter what holidays your family celebrates, chances are good that many of your gatherings involve special foods. While most of us look forward to these seasonal delights, for families of kids with food allergies, holiday gatherings can add pressure and anxiety to what’s meant to be a fun and festive time of year.

Raise "champions" of giving this holiday season

While children spend time sifting through catalogs and making wish lists during the holiday season, this special time of year is also perfect to begin teaching children the importance of giving back.

BEWARE! Or Be Aware of these Halloween safety tips

Keep kids safe this Halloween by avoiding the most common injuries that bring little ones to the emergency departments: falls, burns from flammable costumes, injuries from collisions with vehicles and eye injuries from sharp objects. Follow the tips below for a Halloween of all treats - no tricks!

A safe and affordable way to DIY Halloween

With spooky season here, trick-or-treating is near! The Child Life Department at Children's Mercy Kansas City has outlined 4 crafty costumes for you and your family to DIY together this Halloween.

4 ways to keep your Independence Day sparkling and safe!

Independence Day often includes sunshine, celebration and sparklers. Unfortunately for some, it could also include an emergency room visit due to a firework injury. In 2020, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) reported 900 emergency room-treated injuries across the nation associated with sparklers alone. You can avoid an emergency trip during your holiday festivities by incorporating these safety precautions.

How moms are celebrating Father's Day!

In life they are often called our coaches, mentors and superheroes. But the most cherished name they go by is dad! A father’s strength and role in the family never goes unnoticed. That’s why it’s important to celebrate everything they do and show just how appreciated they are.

How dads are celebrating Mother’s Day

It’s often said a mom’s job is never done. From birthday parties to school plays to graduations, and everyday love and support, moms go above and beyond to make sure their youngsters always feel special – so, it goes without saying they deserve (at least) one day a year where they are the ones doted on! 

Stay safe this holiday season

The holidays are generally a time for people to reconnect with family and friends. But this year with respiratory illnesses still making the rounds and the threat of frigid winter weather, there are a lot of considerations for helping keep your family healthy and safe.

Raising kids who love to give back: How to nurture generosity in your child

The holiday season bombards us with messages about all the latest “must-have” toys and gadgets. One great way to break through the noise of commercials and wish lists is to find ways to donate or volunteer as a family.