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8 traditions to make the first day of school one to remember

The first day of a new school year can come with a range of emotions – sadness to see the summer end, anxiety around change and excitement for new beginnings. Though however you’re feeling about the new school year, you can always find a way to celebrate. We asked our community to share some of their favorite back to school family traditions, so you can make your kiddo’s first day one to remember! 

Sleepwalking – answers to your frequently asked questions

As a parent, it can be scary to wake in the morning and find your child is not where you laid them down the night before. While it can be jarring to find your child was sleepwalking through the night, this is a benign condition, and there is usually no underlying cause. But parents still want answers – what are the causes, when should I be concerned and how do I keep my child safe? We cover all your FAQs in our recent blog.

Back-to-school checklist: Essential steps for a successful start

School is right around the corner and so is the task of making sure your kids are prepared. On top of regular supply list, we’ve created a list of commonly overlooked tasks to help ensure your kids are ready.

How to talk with kids about foster care

Kids often come to parents with questions we aren’t prepared to answer. We may panic and shut down the conversation, put them to sleep with a wordy monologue, or tell them to ask another parent. But those aren’t our only options for talking about complicated topics like foster care. We’ve gathered a few tips based on our experience to help you and your child have a productive conversation you can feel good about.  

4 ways to keep your Independence Day sparkling and safe!

Sparklers and fireworks are Independence Day pastimes. Unfortunately for some, this holiday can also include an emergency room visit due to a firework injury. By following a few tips below, you can make sure your holiday is one to remember – for all the right reasons! 

Newborn basics

Newborns, unfortunately, do not come with instruction manuals. However, we can offer a few tips to help you keep your baby safe and healthy. Based on clinical experience and research, we’re sharing our best advice about eating, sleeping and more.  

Summer fun around Kansas City!

It’s sweet summertime, and we want you to make the absolute most of it! We’ve curated the perfect summer to-do list that will get you out of the house and bring you great summer memories. 

Are you a new parent feeling sad, tired or anxious? Here is a guide to help.

While many moms and other birthing people experience the “baby blues” in the first 2 weeks after having a baby (worry, sadness and tiredness), these symptoms usually resolve on their own. However, Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs) can be more serious

Growing your child’s emotional piggy bank

All humans have an emotional piggy bank, and throughout the day all your interactions result in a deposit or a withdrawal. All these little things add up, and if you’ve had more withdrawals than deposits, you may feel like you don’t have much left to give. As parents, you can make sure your children have plenty of deposits, so they can better deal with the withdrawals that come their way. 

Ways to handle homesickness

Staying the night at an aunt’s house or an overnight sleepaway camp is often the first chance a child experiences a go of independence. Even the most confident of kids may experience homesickness and there are ways parents can help.