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How to celebrate Black History Month with your family

Across the calendar, heritage months pop up as an opportunity to lift up multiple cultures that at times may not have as much social representation.
In the month of February, the United States honors Black History Month. While it is important to recognize the past contributions of the Black and African American culture, parents should consider celebrating Black History past, present and future.
When children are introduced to diverse communities in their social studies class, for example, cultures are represented by just a few photos and pages. The real bridge to positive relationships with folks that may be different from you includes lived experiences. Children can learn that the world around them is full of living culture and people. These families have interests, traditions and foods they enjoy, and that your family can learn about and enjoy, too!
Black History Month started with the past and the heroes who had courage to stand up for what they believe in a society that often did not want to include them. Black History Month continues forward when all families can find joy in the inclusion of others, especially if we get to know more about our neighbors.
For parents that are wondering how to celebrate, seeking events outside of the home is a great idea. In February there will be public events that bring in music, speakers, activities and yes, foods that celebrate Black History Month. Families are encouraged to take their children to these events to experience the culture firsthand.
And for the rest of the year, when your child looks for important people to do reports on for school, or wonders more about someone they see on TV, use those moments to learn with your child, even if that person looks different than your own family. Celebrating Black History can be fun and unlock general appreciation for yourself, others and the diverse world around us all.