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Resources for Caring for Colorectal Conditions at Home

You know you can always count on your Comprehensive Colorectal Center (CCC) team at Children’s Mercy to provide great care for your child. In between visits, there may be some bowel management options that you can do at home.

We will teach you how to do these procedures in person, but we also want you to have access to the instructions online. 

How to Perform Rectal Irrigations

Hirschsprung disease can cause your child to have a backup of stool and gas in their colon. This can make them ill and struggle to have a bowel movement. However, there are a few steps you can take that will help keep your child’s colon clean. The Colorectal Center has provided this video as a visual resource for families who need to perform rectal irrigations at home.

Cómo realizar las irrigaciones rectales

Children’s Mercy Kansas City es el hogar de uno de los pocos Centros Colorrectales Integrales de la nación. Tomamos un enfoque basado en equipo para cuidar a los niños con malformaciones colorrectales como la enfermedad de Hirschsprung y otros trastornos anorrectales y del piso pélvico.

How to Perform a Pediatric Rectal Enema

Your child may need an enema if they experience constipation or have trouble controlling their bowel movement. The Colorectal Center provides this video as a visual resource for families who need to perform an enema at home.

Cómo realizar un enema rectal pediátrico

La Dra. Rebecca Rentea, directora de Comprehensive Colorectal Center en Children’s Mercy explica cómo realizar un enema rectal a nivel médico para su hijo, con el objetivo de mantener limpio el colon de su hijo y evitar accidentes de defecación.  

How to Perform a Malone Flush

Your child may need a Malone flush if they experience trouble with constipation or controlling their bowel movements. A Malone flush is a safe liquid that can help clean and empty the colon. The Colorectal Center provides this video as a visual resource for families who need to perform a Malone flush at home.

Cómo realizar un vaciado de Malone o Enema Colónico Anterógrado

Cómo realizar un vaciado de Malone. La Dra. Rebecca Rentea, Directora del Centro Colorrectal Integral en Children's Mercy (Comprehensive Colorectal Center at Children's Mercy) explica cómo realizar un vaciado de Malone para una apendicostomía o Malone, MACE o ACE.

How to Perform Post Surgical Anal Dilation

Many times after surgery, the body wants to close a surgical wound so it will heal, which is why you may be asked to perform dilations for your child. The Colorectal Center has developed this video as a visual resource for families instructed to perform post surgical anal dilation at home.

Cómo realizar una dilatación anal posquirúrgica pediátrica

Cómo realizar una dilatación anal posquirúrgica pediátrica después de una cirugía de malformación anorrectal. Muchas veces, después de una cirugía de malformación anorrectal, el cuerpo quiere sanar una herida quirúrgica, por eso es posible que se necesiten dilataciones anales para su hijo. La Dra. Rebecca Rentea, Directora del Centro Colorrectal Integral en Children’s Mercy (Comprehensive Colorectal Center at Children's Mercy), explica cómo realizar la dilatación anal posquirúrgica pediátrica.