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Insulin Dose Calculator

The Diabetes Insulin Dose Calculator uses data you input to determine the proper insulin dosage to provide before eating. These dosing guidelines should be used in conjunction with instructions from your physician. Please contact the Children's Mercy Diabetes Center at (816) 960-8803 with questions.

Please note: This chart should not be used if moderate or large ketones are present. Follow ketone action plan for moderate or large ketones.


(*) Required Fields

Insulin/Carb Ratio

What is your Insulin/Carbohydrate Ratio?
values must be between 3 - 150
grams of carb/unit of insulin
Insulin/Carbohydrate Ratio
Number of carbohydrates (in grams) that will be balanced out by one unit of insulin.

Correction Factor

What is your High Blood Glucose Correction Factor?
values must be between 10 - 500
Blood Glucose Correction Factor
Number of points one unit of insulin will lower the blood glucose (Could also be called Sensitivity Factor).

Target Blood Glucose

What is your Target Blood Glucose?
values must be between 100 - 200
Target Blood Glucose
Target blood glucose value used to calculate insulin correction bolus.

Insulin Bolus Dose Chart

Child Name | Chart TItle | Age: 0
Carbohydrates (grams)
Blood Glucose(mg/dL)
*Target Blood Glucose: 100 mg/dL | Correction Factor: 10 | Carb/Insulin Ratio: 10