How Vaccines Work
Children's Mercy understands that you may be hesitant for your child to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. We have many resources available that provide information about how vaccines work. Your provider also is a great resource to talk to about any questions you have.
The Truth about Vaccines handout is available in many languages:
- Truth about Vaccines - English
- حقائق حول اللقاحات - Arabic
- ကာကွယ်ဆ်ဆေးများ၏ အမှနန်တရား - Burmese
- တၢ််ဂ့ၢ်အမ့ၢ််အတီဘၣ်ဃး ကသံၣ်ဒီသဒၢတီဖၣ် - Karen
- Ukuri ku Nkingo - Kinyarwanda
- खोपहरूको बारेमा वास्त्त्त्तविकता - Nepali
- Run ku Saabsan Talaallada - Somali
- La verdad sobre lass vacunas - Spanish
- Ukwi kuhusu Chanjo - Swahili
- Sự thực về vắc-xin - Vietnamese
More from expert resources
Also, watch the short videos below from the American Academy of Pediatricians and Georgia State University's Prevention Research Center on how the COVID-19 vaccines were developed and how they work, and why the vaccine is safe for your child.
This video above is also available in the following languages: