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7 great classic family friendly holiday movies

The holiday season brings along many of our favorite traditions. One we all can love is watching a classic holiday movie with the whole family. So, cuddle up with your warmest blanket, hot chocolate and the entire family for one of these great classics.

  1. The Snowman (1982)

This charming cartoon tells the tale of a young boy who builds a snowman who comes to life and takes him to the North Pole. With a 26-minute run time, this is sure to keep the kids’ attention ages 3 and up.

  1. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966)

With a newer version that’s live action, this 26-minute animated version is the original of Dr Seuss’ movie shows kids the positive message of being kind and inclusion. Great for kids aged 4 and up.

  1. Miracle on 34th Street (1947)

A man playing Santa in a parade believes he is really Santa Claus. The movie follows the story of a mother and daughter starting to believe in him, Santa’s magic and trust. Good for ages 6 and up.

  1. It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)

You may think this black and white movie wouldn’t interest the kids, but you’d be wrong! This classic stands the test of time with its heartwarming message. Perfect for ages 9 and up.

  1. The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)

For ages 5 and up, Jim Henson shares the Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol story through the Muppet world. Some children may be frightened by the Ghost of Christmas Future, but the classic lessons may be worth it.

  1. Frosty the Snowman (1969)

For ages 3 and up, this cartoon shares the story of a living snowman and a little girl who try to stop a greedy magician from taking the snowman’s hat.

  1. Home Alone (1990)

A young boy is mistakenly left alone after his parents fly to Paris. It’s a storyline that wouldn’t work in today’s world, but is funny nonetheless. This movie has some more mature language with an age recommendation of ages 10 and up.

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