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School Resources for Children with Mental Health Needs

Most schools have staff members who are trained and equipped to help kids with mental and behavioral health issues that affect their ability to learn. Consider reaching out to the following professionals if your child is struggling at school: 

  • Classroom teacher(s). Teachers who spend time with your child every day may have unique insights into their school experience that parents don’t see at home. Your child’s classroom teacher or teachers are a great starting point if you have concerns. 

  • School counselor, social worker or resource teacher. These staff members can typically provide social and emotional support for students who are struggling. They are often good people to have regular check-ins with your child during the school day and their office is usually a safe space for kids who are feeling overwhelmed in the classroom. 

  • Special education coordinator. If your child has a medical diagnosis that affects their ability to learn and participate in school activities, they may qualify for an IEP or 504 plan. These plans put supports in place to help ensure your child is receiving the accommodations they need at school. 

  • Principal. If you have been working with your child’s teachers and counselor but still feel like their needs are not being met, the principal can be a good resource to help you problem-solve. 

  • Coaches. Sometimes kids who may not love the academic side of school find their place in extracurricular activities, like sports, theater or special interest clubs. Coaches and other activity leaders can be a great point of contact for your student if they need a trusted adult to talk to or help them with other issues.