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Sick Policy

We would like to make sure that your child feels their best and does their best with any testing or therapy at their visit in the Hearing and Speech Department. We would also like to protect our staff and other patients who may be unable to mask. We will help decide if your child will wear their mask during their entire visit.

We ask that you do not bring your child to their clinic appoints if they have:

  • Fever
    • A fever of 100 degrees or higher.
    • They may be seen if they have been no fever for 24 hours without the use of fever medication.

  • Vomiting or Diarrhea
    • Been vomiting or had diarrhea within the past 24 hours.
    • They can be seen if they have not vomited or had diarrhea for 24 hours.
    • If they have been able to eat solid food and their poop is back to normal.

  • Rash
    • Any undiagnosed rash or skin lesions that are weeping or draining.
    • They be seen if their provider has cleared them.

  • Head lice
    • Active live lice.

  • Eye Infection
    • Eye redness, itching, crusting or drainage from their eye.
    • They can be seen if their provider has seen them.
    • If they were prescribed eye drops, they need to wait 24 to be seen.

  • Positive Covid
    • They can be seen if their visit if they do not have symptoms after 6 days from positive test.

  • Positive for flu A or B
    • A fever greater of 100 or higher
    • They can be seen if after 5 days since diagnosis, and they have not had a fever for 24 hours without fever medicine.

  • Strep Throat
    • A fever and had a positive strep test.
    • They can be seen they have not had a fever for 24 hours without fever medication and they have been taking antibiotics for at least 12 hours.

  • RSV
    • Fever of 100 or higher
    • They can be seen if they do not a fever for 24 hours without fever medication and cough symptoms getting better. 
    • RSV can be spread for 3-8 days.

  • Cough and congestion
    • A cough or congestion that you feel will make it harder to do testing or therapy.

Feeding Evaluation or Feeding Therapy Appointments:

We understand your child might have cough and congestion because of their possible feeding problem. If there has been worsening of respiratory symptoms a day or two before your visit:

  • Call us to talk about keeping or changing your child’s appointment.

Hearing test for patients with active ear infections

Having an ear infection or fluid in the ear may cause brief hearing loss that may cause a need to repeat testing after the infection has cleared.

  • Call to reschedule your child’s visit:
    • If they are taking antibiotics.
    • to test after your child’s ears are clear.