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Rationale, current evidence, and consensus statement:

The 2015 Red Book and the 2015 CDC Treatment Guidelines for STD's recommends that young infants with C. trachomafis conjunctivitis may be treated with oral azithromycin, 20 mg/kg once daily for 3 days OR oral erythromycin, 50 mg/kg/day divided 4 times per day for 14 days. Neonates treated with either oral azithromycin or erythromycin do not need additional treatment with topical erythromycin. Based on current literature the care standardization team recommends, the use of azithromycin for treatment of neonatal conjunctivitis secondary to C. trachomatis.


Committee on Infectious Diseases. (2015). Red Book: Report of the Commitee on Infectious Diseases (2015) (Kimberlin Brady, MT, Jackson & Long, SS Eds. 30 ed.).

Workowski, K. A., Bolan, G. A., Centers for Diseme, C., & Prevention. (2015). Sexually transmitted diseases treatment guidelines, 2015. NLMTVR Recomm Rep, 64(RR-03), 1-137.

These pathways do not establish a standard of care to be followed in every case. It is recognized that each case is different, and those individuals involved in providing health care are expected to use their judgment in determining what is in the best interests of the patient based on the circumstances existing at the time. It is impossible to anticipate all possible situations that may exist and to prepare a pathway for each. Accordingly, these pathways should guide care with the understanding that departures from them may be required at times.